Friday, April 4, 2008

The Affects of Acne on Relatiohships - Jay, Edinburgh, Scotland

Hi I just wanted to say thanks very much for creating this website, people don't really understand the implications and depression caused from having acne. I have had acne since I was 15; I am now 29 years old. The way it affects your social life and affects your relationships and even how it even affects your job. I was a postman for 2 years and had to give it up because it made my acne so much worse; with sweating and the delivery bag rubbing on my shoulders and back. I worked in a bank for the last 2 years but never really felt comfortable with alot of my colleagues and other staff members, I always felt they looked at my face and neck and never really saw me. Acne has affected me so badly I have been on anti-depressants for 10 years. I have now decided to go back to college and get my HNC and HND in computing. I have been going to a dermatologist for 10 years and have been on Roaccutane and have tried (n-lite) which I felt did help but had to go London to have it done which was so expensive because I live in Edinburgh, Scotland. I hope to keep in contact with you and others on this website because it helps talking to people who know something about the nightmare I am going through. (January 2007)

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